
Hydrocarbon separators in Steel coated


Hydrocarbon separators are available in several models, with capacities from 1 to more than 500 liters/sec, and can be equipped with:

Hydrocarbon separators with sludge trap mod. IDROMAC
(suitable for covered and uncovered areas, fuel distribution areas and car repair shop) 
Hydrocarbon separators with triple sludge trap mod. IDROLAV
(suitable for car washes with massive presence of sedimentable solids) 
Hydrocarbon separators with sludge trap and lifting pit mod. IDROFOSS
(suitable for covered and uncovered area, fuel distribution areas and car repair shop where it is necessary to lift waters to the final destination) 
Hydrocarbon separators with storm overflow weir upstream the sludge trap mod. IDROPASS
(suitable for run-off rainwater from uncovered areas) 
Hydrocarbon separators with storm overflow weir upstream the triple sludge trap and by-pass mod. IDROLAVPASS
(suitable for run-off rainwater from uncovered area, with massive presence of sedimentable solids) 
Hydrocarbon separators for great capacities, until 500 liters/sec
(They are realized, on demand, with one piece cylindrical tanks)