
Water filtration: new technologies for cleaner water

10 May 2024

The importance of water in industry and the role of filtration technologies

Water is a valuable resource for businesses in all sectors. It is essential for a wide range of production processes, from cooling machinery to cleaning equipment. However, water quality is not always optimal and can contain contaminants that can cause serious problems for businesses.

In this article, we explore modern water filtration technologies that can help companies improve the efficiency, health and sustainability of their operations.

Water filtration technologies

There are several advanced water filtration technologies that stand out for their effectiveness and ability to meet the increasingly complex needs of businesses. Water is used in a wide variety of industrial and manufacturing applications, as a raw material, for cooling equipment, for washing and cleaning, for steam generation and for many other processes, to varying degrees depending on the industry and specific production requirements.

Innovation in water filtration, particularly in industrial wastewater treatment plants, continues at a steady pace, with new technologies being developed and existing ones being improved. It is vital for companies to keep abreast of the latest developments and evaluate the most appropriate solutions to optimise their production processes, reduce environmental impact and ensure the safety and quality of the water used.

Among the most innovative water filtration technologies are:

Ultrafiltration and nanofiltration membrane filtration:

  • Ultrafiltration: this technology uses membranes with pore sizes ranging from 0.01 to 0.2 microns, capable of retaining bacteria, viruses, macromolecules and colloids, ensuring purified and safe water for a wide range of industrial applications.
  • Nanofiltration: with even smaller pores (0.001 to 0.01 microns), nanofiltration removes dissolved salts, heavy metals and small organic molecules in addition to ultrafiltration contaminants, making it ideal for industrial wastewater treatment and pharmaceutical water production.

Reverse osmosis:

A highly selective process that uses pressure to force water through a semi-permeable membrane, retaining more than 99 per cent of dissolved salts, organic and inorganic contaminants. Water obtained from reverse osmosis plants are of extremely high quality and are used in industries that require the highest purity, such as the pharmaceutical, electronics, and semiconductor manufacturing industries.

Ion exchange filtration:

Ideal for removing specific ions from water, such as calcium, magnesium, sodium or nitrates. Ion exchange resins trap unwanted ions and release harmless ions to provide water with specific chemical properties for various industrial applications.

Activated carbon filtration:

An effective method commonly used in chemical and physical purification plants to remove organic impurities, chlorine, odours and unpleasant tastes from water. Activated carbon, with its high internal surface area, absorbs molecules of these substances, improving water quality and making it more palatable for consumption or suitable for certain industrial processes.



The choice of the most suitable filtration technology depends on several factors, including the characteristics of the water to be treated, the contaminants to be removed, the desired quality requirements and the budget available. Integrating different technologies into a multi-stage filtration system can maximise treatment efficiency and ensure optimum results for specific filtration requirements. For example, both sand filters and activated carbon filters are used in combination in final effluent filtration systems.


Why invest in proper water filtration

Investing in the right water filtration system can bring many benefits, including:

  • Reduced maintenance costs: less fouling and damage to pipes and machinery, extending equipment life and reducing downtime.
  • Improved product quality: clean and safe water results in flawless end products with no aesthetic or safety issues.
  • Protect employee health: Microorganism-free water ensures a healthier working environment.
  • Water conservation: technologies such as membrane filtration allow water to be reused, reducing fresh water consumption and promoting sustainable use.
  • Regulatory compliance: certified filtration systems ensure compliance with water quality regulations for industrial use, avoiding penalties and legal problems.
  • Water reuse in industrial processes: filtered and treated water can be used in a variety of industrial processes, reducing fresh water consumption and eliminating waste.

Importantly, industrial water use must be properly treated to reduce environmental impact and comply with current regulations. 

Explore advanced water filtration solutions for your business. Contact us for a customised consultation!

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