
Rain water recycling systems

Design and manufacturing of rainwater recycling plants

The design of, mainly civil but also industrial, flush water recycling systems plays a fundamental role in the disposal of rainwater in a wide range of situations and areas. A reliable and intelligent system for the management of the disposal and recycling of rainwater ensures time and money savings, reduces water leaks as well as potential damages caused by intense climatic events and reduces related costs by optimizing performance. Furthermore, it guarantees functional and ecological management of water resources and appropriate disposal of rainwater.

Treatment plants designed by Idro Group

Idro Group designs and manufactures rain water treatment and recycling systems and plants for civil and industrial use, with the specific needs of the client in mind. The rainwater recycling systems are made with high-tech components to help reduce waste as well as operating costs and guarantee perfect functioning over time. These systems allow for rainwater from municipal residences to be reused, ensuring a reserve suitable for many uses:

  • irrigation of green areas;
  • washing of vehicles;
  • toilet flushing water;
  • situations that typically call for use of potable water.

In municipal resedences, about 50% of water used each day (variable between 150 and 200 liters per capita) can be supplied by recycled rainwater. Recycling rainwater can save up to 30% of potable water.

Idro Group solutions

Idro Group has developed flush water recycling systems, designed to satisfy different needs for the recycling and inspection of water. Idro Group proposes solutions such as:

  • IDROTWIN polyethylene tanks
  • VRM reinforced concrete tanks

Ask us for more information

If you need more information about Idro Group rainwater systems, don't hesitate to contact us through the form found in the contacts section. We'll be happy to provide detailed information as soon as possible.


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