
How are your industrial plants?

Generally the plants designed by us treat all the waste water (dyeing, bleaching, sizing, washing, canteen, toilet etc) in biological process. The treated water can be discharged as per local regulations. In the case water should be recovered for use in the process house, then through microfiltration, ultrafiltration and multi stage reverse osmosis we are able to recover up to 90% water with TDS less than 200 mgl. The balance 10% (reject water) is evaporated through natural or mechanical evaporation. Such plants come under zero liquid discharge. We have the lowest running cost both for discharge and zero discharge. 

Last year, we introduced a revolutionary patented technology for recovering salt brine directly from the dye bath. This system not only recovers salt for you but also reduces the load to WWTP and water recovery plant, thus reducing tremendously the capital and operational cost.



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